Monday, October 3, 2011

Another big week in the books

Wow, I was really bad at updating the BLOG last week... sorry, to anyone that reads this. It was a busy week at work and running. It won't happen again!! So... to pick up where I left off. Monday night had been a rough, long workout, which left my legs cashed for a couple days. Surprisingly they felt reasonable on my Tuesday recovery run, so I actually knocked out 8 miles that night. Wednesday was to be another monstrous workout, however and when I woke up on Wednesday morning I knew that I was in for it since my legs were then feeling like garbage.

Ahh well, I headed over to Highline again to get in this long workout and tried to take it a step at a time. The workout was meant to be as follows:
2mi warmup
2 x (3mi @ T-pace (5:54)) w/ 3min rest
2mi @ T-pace
2mi warmdown
Total = 12 miles

By the time I got my warmup in though, I knew that I was in trouble. My actual workout consisted of:
2mi warmup
2.5mi @ T-pace (5:58, 6:01, 3:00)
1mi moderate
2mi @ T (5:44 (WTF?!?), 5:52)
.5mi moderate
1mi @ T (5:54)
2mi warmdown
Total = 11 miles

This was my first real explosion during a workout but considering the fact that I had done the hard workout two days before, my total volume had been high, and I'm working full-time, I didn't let it get to me too much. I took it easy on both Thursday & Friday, just doing short doubles each day to get in 9mi each day. Then Saturday it was time for my first really long run.

I headed out the door with the intention of going 20 but luckily felt amazing throughout the run and ended up tacking on a bit to get in a total of 21.25 miles that morning. I ran it in 2:35:18... just about 2 minutes quicker than my projected marathon time. I am happy to still be 6 weeks out from the race and have already ran pretty much the entire duration of the race, if not the distance. I feel like that has been a big part of my issues in the marathon in the past. Not being prepared to be running for 2.5 hours can be tough. Now I know I can do the time... I just need to work on the endurance as it relates to me running at race pace. I am feeling extremely confident again after Saturday's long run. Here's a look at the elevation of the run. Def not a flat one. Avg'd 7:21's throughout but pushed the pace for the last 3-4 miles getting down around 6:45's for a bit.

Sunday, I got in another 5.5 mile easy run and that made for my biggest week in quite awhile. 77.25 miles. Now to ratchet it back a bit for this Sunday's upcoming Rock and Roll Denver 1/2 Marathon. Definitely not tapering for this one, but will lower mileage to the low- to mid-60's this week and try to see what I've got in the tanks next weekend.

As a sidenote, I had some friends racing at Twin Cities last weekend and they all killed it! Rob (who is 42!!) went 2:35, John 2:43, Lorne hit 2:50 and Michelle went 3:06!! Pr's for only a couple but great races all around! Nice work to everyone who raced!! Next up, Denver, Chicago, Portland, Rev3 SC and Kona this coming weekend!! Can't wait to watch/participate!!

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