Sunday, February 24, 2013

Austin Half-Marathon

I think I was expecting too much out of this race. Immediately following the race I was a bit dissapointed with my time, but a couple of friends put it into perspective for me.

First, I wasn't tapering for this race. It was a "train-thru" situation. Additionally, I had been doing a lot of work travel in the days and weeks leading into the race and lastly, I was sick for most of the week leading into the race.

That said, I had been hoping to run a 1:14 or 1:15 but apparently I had also forgotten how hilly the course was. I had it in my head that it was a 'fast' course, but word from everyone in Austin was that it was anything but that.

The morning of the race I felt good and we all had IDEAL race conditions! 40-ish degrees, clear, and light winds. I couldn't have asked for better. I felt pretty fresh and was hoping to run a controlled effort (though splits would be all over the place due to the varying terrain) and see what I still needed to work on over the final 4 weeks of training.

Here are my splits:
Livestrong Austin Half-Marathon
5:33, 5:36, 5:54 (17:45 5K)
6:02, 5:51, 5:50 (35:58 10K)
5:32, 5:42, 5:42, 6:04 (57:54 10mi)
6:07, 6:04, 6:29 (1.1mi)
1:16:26 (5:50/mi avg)

Overall, I am pretty happy with the results. The course has a long uphill section from mile 3 to 6. From mile 6 to 9 it's mostly downhill and then at about 9.5 miles on home it's really hilly with a couple really aggressive pitches. For almost the entire race I barely noticed the effort aerobically. The issue was with fatigue in my muscles. Additionally, I did have some GI distress at about 9.5 miles, which was luckily very short-lived. By Mile 10, I was feeling fine again but the muscle fatigue was certainly an issue.

I'm encouraged by my level of fitness and the fact that I did train thru the race but I am nervous for LA none-the-less. The idea of running twice the distance at only 10-15 seconds slower per mile is daunting but I am hoping that my leadup into the race will be much better next time around and I will come in much more relaxed and ready. 4 weeks to go (actually 3 at the time that I write this now..!)! 

Happy Training to anyone reading this! 

Race Week...

As I mentioned in the previous post, things could have been better as I headed into the week of my "test" race. If being on the road for work, sleeping in hotels and eating out all week wasn't bad enough, I also was in the middle of a cold that had just wiped me out.

Monday and Tuesday I felt terrible and had meetings all day long. I got in an easy 6.25mi on the treadmill on Monday but Tuesday I was destroyed. I got done with meetings at 5pm, went up to my room, took some Nyquil and next thing I know it was 4:30am in the morning!! I still wasn't better, actually, I felt worse than ever, but luckily later in the day I would begin to feel the health coming back to me.

That night I headed out for an easy run in Austin and surprisingly made it 7.50 miles pretty easily and felt good.

By Thursday morning I was feeling about 80% back to health and so decided to fit in the track workout that I had hoped to have done back on Monday. I was still in Austin and one of my old training buddies from Riptide, Pete Mallet decided to jump into the workout to help with pacing.

2 x 3-miles @ 5:50 pace w/800m ez jog rest
1. 17:20 (5:47, 5:48, 5:45)
2. 17:22 (5:47, 5:42, 5:53)
Avg: 5:47/mi pace

Surprisingly after being sick, I felt pretty fresh. With the exception of the final hard mile, most of the workout was just running on cruise control and feeling good.

Friday and Saturday were two more easy runs (7.50 & 6.00 miles respectively) leading into race day.

Catching Up

Wow, life has gotten away from a bit here. Somehow 17 days have flown by since the last time that I had a chance to update this and a lot has been happening...

I'll start right after my last post: On the 7th it was time to do another tempo run. Due to conditions, I was on the treadmill again:

Tempo Run: 9-miles @ 6:06/mi pace
6:05, 6:05, 6:06, 6:05, 6:06, 6:05, 6:05, 6:06, 6:06
Avg: 6:05.75/mi pace

Unfortunately, I think that this workout was the final straw for my immune system, and within 3 hours I was beginning to feel pretty sick. By the next morning, a cold/flu was on me. I tried to fight thru it, but had to take things extremely easy, logging only 7, 7 and 9 mile easy runs for each of the remaining days of the week. 

On Sunday night I headed off to Dallas for an entire week of business travel before (hopefully) racing the Austin half-marathon the following Sunday.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Week 12 Track Work

Hit the track tonight for Week 12's Strength workout:

4 x 2 miles @ 5:50/mi pace (goal: 11:40)
w/800m jog recovery
11:22 (5:34, 5:48)
11:37 (5:43, 5:54)
11:34 (5:49, 5:45)
avg 11:41 (5:45.5/mi pace)

After doing an easy 6.25mi run yesterday evening, my legs felt pretty good this morning, so I was excited to see how they'd handle this workout tonight. Obviously, I was (once again) overzealous on the first interval, coming thru the first mile in 5:34! When I saw it, I couldn't believe it because it felt like I was barely moving, but it was an eye-opener and made me be much more aware of pace in the second half. Still overall, ran too fast tonight, but for whatever reason this 5:45 pace is just seeming to stick more than the 5:50's. Hopefully on raceday I'll have the brakes on so much for the first few miles that this won't cause an issue. 

Tomorrow is a long awaited rest day and I am excited for it! Happy Training to all of you out there in the Blog-o-sphere, I'm off to bed!

Close Call!

Rounding out week 11, after the track workout that I wrote about last week, were a couple more hard workouts, which left my legs completely zapped by the end of the week. On Thurs I had my tempo run again, which I had to do on the treadmill due to the weeks snow. 12-miles on a treadmill with 9 at Tempo SUCK by the way. Here's how it went:

9-mile Tempo Run @ 6:06/mi pace
6:06, 6:04, 6:05, 6:06, 6:06, 6:05, 6:06, 6:05, 6:05
avg 6:05/mi pace

While workouts like this are terribly mind-numbing (especially if you do this at a gym like mine where there's no TV and you're just staring out a window blindly into the night), they are nice because the treadmill locks in the pace and you can just (literally) fight to stay on. Either way, it was a long night, followed once again by lots of core-strength exercises. 

Friday, I got quite the shock though. About 3 minutes in to what was to be an easy 7-mile run, I was running through some grass, not paying attention, of course, and managed to step on a rock that I didn't see was there. Rolled my ankle really badly and had to take a 5 minute time-out to assess the situation. All I could think of was "SHHHIIIIITTTT, 10 weeks of training out-the-window!!". Luckily after a few minutes of massaging it and generally checking things out, I felt okay to finish out the run and did so with very little pain. About 3 hours later though, I'd pay for it! My (right) ankle had swollen up to about twice the size of normal and was really painful. Of course this change happened AT the dinner-party that I had gone to for the evening. So, upon returning home at about 11:45pm, I finally was able to start damage control. Ice, heat, ice and some time with the ultrasound got the ball rolling, then I took a few aspirin and hit the sack with my foot elevated on some pillows for the night. 

The next morning when I woke up, luckily things were more under control. Although I wasn't at 100%, the ankle felt like about 70%. That said, I made the call to push off the long run that was to be done that morning to Sunday and instead headed out for an easy 8-miler. More careful recovery on Saturday and by Sunday I was ready to attempt the long, 16-miler for the week... even though my tired, sore legs were begging me not to. 

Long Run: 16-miles @ 6:41/mi pace
Avg'd 6:45 pace for entire run (incl. first and last miles)

The ankle didn't give me any problems on the long run but I did definitely fall apart. Managed to hold onto 6:41/mi pace thru mile 12 but then hit the wall, and was reduced to around 7:00/mi pace for the last 4. Given that 31 miles of the 60 that I ran this week were between about 5:45-6:50/mi pace, I was just happy to have survived it all and definitely am gaining more and more of an understanding of this Hanson's mentality of "Accumulated Fatigue". I can't imagine how good it is going to feel when I can finally race on fresh legs! 11 weeks down, 6 to go! Happy Training!