What a week! With Denver's first winter storm hitting town, some work travel and, of course, last minute preparations for the holidays, it made for a busy week! I had hoped to get a couple of updates on here throughout the week, but instead, here I am doing another 'week in review' type of post.
To summarize, it was a pretty good week, running-wise. On last Sunday's run, I don't know if I was tired or what, but it seems that my running form had broken down a bit, leaving me with a fairly sore right VMO by Sunday night. If you were reading during my San Antonio race-prep, you'll recall that it was both my right and left VMO's that gave me the major issues that time around, so I was definitely a little worried heading into Monday nights track workout. Luckily, it wasn't anything to worry too much about this time around and by Wednesday the pain was all but gone. It's great what some time with the Ultrasound machine and some proactive strengthening exercises can do!
As always, this week was made up of three key workouts and a lot of easy miles. The workouts went like this:
5 x 1,000m on 3:20 (400m jog recovery)
3:20, 3:20, 3:23, 3:24, 3:24
11 Pushups (1 for every second off pace that I was)
temp: 28 degrees, light winds, daylight for 4 of 5 of the intervals.
Felt good overall, but was definitely having to push hard in the last 200m or so to try and hold pace.
I was supposed to have done my Tempo run on Wednesday, but due to the winter weather and high winds, I opted to push it till Thursday.
6-Mile Tempo run at 6:06 pace
5:52, 5:57, 6:01, 6:05, 6:07, 6:08
6:02/mi avg pace
temp: 42 degrees with 10-15mph winds
I did this one on the Highline Canal trail again. Trail had some snow/ice on it (more in certain miles than others) and this time I was able to get the whole run in, in the daylight.
As you can tell, it went better than last week, but I am still struggling to lock in what 6:06 pace feels like. This was the last week of 6-mile tempos... next 3 weeks are 7-miles.
"Long" run (12 miles @ moderate/aerobic long run pace (i.e. 6:40/mi pace)
averaged 6:42/mile pace throughout
My legs were still feeling pretty trashed from Thursday nights effort at the start of this run. So, I spent the first two miles warming up and building to pace. The next 4 miles I ran a little quick, ending up in the 6:30-35 range before settling into 6:40-45 range. Last mile I slowed it down to about 7:05 pace to cool down. Overall for the run I ended with a 6:42 average. Even though the pace is only about 25-30 seconds per mile faster than my regular training pace, I def felt it.
On Sunday morning after this week, and especially Saturday's long run, my legs were toast. I cruised through an easy 6-miles at about 7:25 pace to end out the weeks volume at just shy of 50 miles.
The Hanson's book says that it takes 10 days for any of the adaptations/improvements from a workout to occur in your body. That said, some of the work that I was putting in two weeks ago is finally starting to show itself, and I am certainly aware of it on some of these runs. The tempo stuff is getting a little easier, week by week, but these track workouts are still tough. With the way my legs currently feel (full of lactic acid!), tomorrow's track workout is gonna be tough! If you're training too, I hope that yours is also going well. Happy Holidays!