Tuesday, December 11, 2012

SOS Workout - Week 4

Week 4. Unbelievable. Time is flying and the workouts keep getting tougher! After wrapping up last week at 45-miles, my legs are feeling the mileage a little bit, but after a solid hour at the Denver Fuelary spending some time in the NormaTec boots and the ice bath on Sunday afternoon, they were feeling pretty good as the time approached for my next SOS 'speed' workout on the track.

Luckily, the weather in Denver has been holding out, so I once again headed to the track with footing clear of snow and ice. The conditions on Monday night were clear, cold (35 degrees) and windy, but at least I wasn't caught shoveling out lane 1!

I do have to say, it's been a long time since I felt nervous about an approaching track workout. This program definitely has me feeling that way though. Thinking about it while on the track, I think it's because of the pace that this speed work is to be performed at. It just feels SO fast to me! 5:20-pace at altitude is much faster than I typically run and yet every week my intervals are getting longer and holding onto the pace seems more and more impossible.

This week, however, the impossible happened again and somehow I was able to get 'er done!
Here's the workout:
6 x 800m on 2:40 w/400m jog recovery
11 pushups

Obviously on the first interval I didn't check splits and blew it out, but I learned that lesson quick and started adjusting at 600m, as needed, to try to lock in the pace. Not sure how I'm ever going to get through mile repeats at this pace but, for now, I'll just take it one week at a time. Next week is 5 x 1000m.If you're reading out there in internet-land and are training for something, that's the best advice I could give you too... just take each workout one step at a time. After all, they are the building blocks that take us to the higher levels of fitness that will get us through the longer, harder, workouts to come. Happy Training!

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