We're getting close now! It's Tuesday night, and I've successfully gotten in my last run of an hour or more (1hr ez run last night) and my last little bit of speedwork (track workout tonight). Now I just have a few easy days of light running before lining up at the start on Sunday!
Tonight's workout on the track went well, it was simple one:
2mi warmup
3 x 1200m @ T-pace (~4:12) on 2min rest
went 4:15, 4:10, 4:12
1 x 400m (1:18)
2mi warmdown
The VMO (Vastus Medialis Obliquus) is still feeling about the same, but my legs feel pretty good otherwise. I am noticing that the VMO is still tight and pulling during the slow/easy runs but when I get up closer to race pace I notice it less and less. This is a good thing but I can't deny that I am super nervous about whether it will hold up for the entire distance. I am seeing that my fitness is still there but I question the endurance. The good thing about the layout of this course is that I will have until almost mile 11 before I have to make the call whether I can go the full distance or not. While I definitely don't want to DNF or cut to a slow half-marathon, I also would rather cut my losses early and avoid a major injury if it's feeling like that's what's to come. One thing's for sure, without being stupid/stubborn on Sunday, I will be gritting my teeth and pushing through any of the regular pain of a marathon. I have put so much time and effort into training for this race that I will not be giving up easily!
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