Monday, September 12, 2011

Phase III is here!

Oh crap, Phase III (otherwise known as 6 weeks of Hell) is here!! This week actually doesn't look too bad, with some simple tempo work both today and on Wednesday, but the 'you know what' is gonna hit the fan come next Monday when I have probably the hardest workout thus far in my life on the schedule (It's 22 miles and involves about 8.5 miles at Threshold). I might have to take Tuesday off work. Yikes!

For today anyway, I did a double (3.5mi AM, 10.5mi PM) and got in a total of 14 miles (It's funny how that's just becoming normal and I don't even really notice it).  There wasn't a workout on the schedule so, just for a little something I did 20mins at Threshold mid run this evening. Felt good. Although the mileage will likely be in the 75 mile range this week I am going to try to run as much of it as possible at the very easy training pace and just try to recover as much as possible this week, before my next 5 weeks of torture. I figure that if I can't take time completely off, at least I can run easy to relieve some of the stress.

I'm both looking forward to, and extremely nervous about, the workouts in the next few weeks. I feel like they might totally wipe me out (energy-wise), but if I can survive this training block injury-free, I will undoubtedly be in the best run shape of my life, which would be really exciting. Next time I do this whole marathon-training thing though, I really should try to find a couple of people to train with. Really long, intense workouts just put you in another world when you're on your own. Anyway, I'm rambling tonight. If anybody is reading this, I hope that your training is going well too! Have a great week!

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