Today was one of those days where my evening workout was in the back of my mind throughout the day. With a big change in weather on it's way and a full day of work between me and my workout, I was anxious to see what I would be met with come time to do the work. Turns out, it was about as bad as I thought it'd be... Temp's had dropped 26 degrees from the same time 24 hours earlier (to about 54 deg F), the downpour of rain had begun and there were occasional wind gusts. To top it off, a big workout awaited, and I was on my own for it. again.
Back in the day when I lived in Portland I wouldn't have thought twice about weather like this but seeing as how we just came off of 2 of the hottest months on record in Denver and I had a work meeting at the office until after 5pm, I had packed my workout gear this morning for the workout. I didn't pack correctly. Luckily, I still had some random clothing in my car, one of which was a large cotton hoody. I grabbed it, thinking that I would only wear it for the warmup, but it turns out that I ended up wearing it for the entire workout once I realized how cold it actually was out!
Here's a pic of me directly after finishing the track portion of the workout before heading out for the warmdown. Don't I look happy?!
Ha! So, anyway the workout was meant to be 20min warmup, 4 x (10-12 min at T-pace (5:59) w/3 min rest), 20min warmdown. In the end, I ended up cutting the last interval as well as the warmdown a little short because I was simply too cold. Considering all of the factors and the fact that I didn't even bother putting on my flats and just did it all in soaking wet trainers, I am very happy with how it went!!
20 min warmup
1. 11:43 (5:48, 5:55)
2. 11:43 (5:44, 5:59)
3. 11:45 (5:49, 5:56)
4. 1-mile only - 5:45
(avg. mile pace throughout = 5:51)
10 min warmdown
12 miles total
Tuesday, I had just gotten in an easy 6.75 miles. Tomorrow and Friday will be easy as well as I gear up for an 18-miler on Saturday. I'm going to sleep well tonight!
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