Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Week 8 & 9 Wrap-up

I've fallen WAY behind in updating my BLOG, so in an effort to not get too bogged down, I'll make this short and sweet.

After my last post (and the 3 x 1600m workout), I had a day off followed-by another 7-mile tempo run. I did the workout outside for the first time in a few weeks (due to previous cold weather and snow/ice coverage). It was refreshing to have to manage pace on my own again and push accordingly. The workout went like this:
7-mile Tempo Run @ 6:06 pace
conditions: Near perfect weather!
~55 degrees with very little wind and clear trails
6:02, 6:01, 6:00, 6:04, 5:58, 6:08, 6:11
avg: ~6:03.5 mile pace

Later that week I was met with extremely cold weather but likely did not have a long run that weekend. Just did a 10-miler on Saturday morning in 3 degree F temps. 

Unfortunately, beginning Sunday, I had the feeling of coming down with a cold or the flu. I took Sunday off in an effort to get ahead of it, especially since I would be on the road traveling for the ENTIRE following week for work. 

On Monday (the beginning of Week 9), I began my work trip and also felt terrible/sick. I obviously wasn't going to get the track workout in, so instead I did an easy 6.5 mile run on the treadmill at my hotel in Santa Fe and got to bed early for 9+ hours of sleep. 

The next day I wasn't feeling great, but managed to rally at the end of the day (and find a track!!) near my new hotel, in Roswell, NM. The workout that night was to be my final SPEED workout of the Hanson's plan, since I had to eliminate one week from the 18-week training plan (since I only had 17-weeks) and it seemed like the following (final) week of speed would be the best option. Anyway, the workout was: 
Track Workout: 6 x 800m @ 2:40 w/400m jog recovery
Conditions: dark. 25-30 degrees F, with moderate winds
2:40, 2:41, 2:41, 2:39, 2:39, 2:37
avg: ~2:39.5

I took Wednesday as my 'OFF' day and just did an easy 3-mile run in the evening because I was bored in Las Cruces. I was continuing to feel like I was getting better and was happy to feel healthier yet on Thursday afternoon, when it was time for Week 9's tempo run, which I did on the treadmill at my hotel in El Paso. That workout went like this: 
Tempo Run: 8-miles @ 6:06 mile pace
On treadmill at hotel. 
6:07, 6:08, 6:07, 6:07, 6:08, 6:06, 6:06, 6:02
avg: 6:07 mile pace

Finally, after returning to Denver the night before and knocking out an easy 6.5 miler, I was ready for the weeks long run. 
Long Run: 15-miles @ 6:41 mile pace
Outside on the streets of Denver
Conditions: ~35 degrees, sunny, light winds
Avg: 6:44 mile pace throughout

Rough week, but somehow managed to survive and get two days of snowboarding in (on top of running) on Saturday and Sunday. 

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